welcome to my project portfolio

I'm a Full-Stack Developer

This is my Portfolio Project here you can Find my all Developed Projects using Next.js, Python, MERN Stack, Data Analysis & ML/AI Development

Hi, I'm Ilma Salsabil

Full Stack Developer Specialized in Next.js, Python, AI/ML and MERN Stack.

👩‍💻Experience in building websites and data analysis for small, medium, and large-sized businesses. Whether you’re trying to win work, list your services or even create a whole online store or build an AI project – I can help!

I love to build full-stack websites, and web applications using AI & also love to learn new modern technologies.

For now, Specialist on these technologies👇

JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, Node.js
Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS, Redux, MUI
MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite, FAISS, Chroma, AstraDB, Pinecone, Vector Database
Data Analysis, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit-learn, Open Source LLM, Groq, Gemini, Open AI

full-stack development & Data AnalySIS

My Coding Projects

JSON AI Validator NPM

Jsonai-validator is an NPM package that validates and generates JSON schemas for your project.
It validates the input data against the provided schema and generates a JSON response using AI.

Key steps in the project include:

JSON ai validator

Headstarter Fellowship Projects

All developed AI / LLM RAG Projects

Key steps in the project include:

Next.js / TypeScript
DSA / Interview Prep
Stripe / AWS
Headstarter Projects

Data Analysis ToolBot

Data Analysis ToolBot is a comprehensive data analysis tool built to streamline and simplify the data analysis process for professionals and enthusiasts. It provides a modern user-friendly interface with integrated AI capabilities to generate code snippets, demo outputs, and detailed explanations for various data analysis tasks.

Key steps in the project include:

Next.js 14, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS
Groq, Llama-3, Gemini LLM
Flask, Python
MongoDB, Clerk Auth Provider

Language Agnostic Modeling of Wikipedia Article Quality

Analyzed language-agnostic features and quality scores of Wikipedia articles, conducting data cleaning,

EDA, outlier removal, and visualization using Python libraries (Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, Matplotlib) to

support research on language-agnostic quality modeling.

Key steps in the project include:

EDA / Data Cleaning / Data Analysis
Python / Pandas / NumPy
Visualization / Seaborn / Matplotlib
Wikipedia Article / Descriptive Statistics

Animated E-learning


Developed this amazing animated e-learning website for one of my companies client project ..

Key steps in the project include:

Next.js / TypeScript
GSAP / Framer Motion
Tailwind CSS / Resend / Node.js
Styled-components / Frontend Development

Hotel Booking

Cancellation Analysis

Analyzed why hotel booking cancellation rate is higher than the other one, conducting data cleaning,

EDA, outlier removal, and visualization using Python libraries (Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, Matplotlib) to

support decrease the Hotel Booking Cancelation Rate.

Key steps in the project include:

EDA / Data Cleaning / Data Analysis
Python / Pandas / NumPy
Visualization / Seaborn / Matplotlib
Adding Potential Solutions to Resolve this issue

Socio Box Influencer

Developed this amazing website for one of my companies client project..

Main Purpose for building this website is growth Connecting brands and influencers with shared values and a commitment to social responsibility. Facilitating campaigns that drive both business growth and positive impact. Amplifying voices that promote positive change and make the world a better place

Key steps in the project include:

Next.js, React.js
Tailwind CSS , Swiper
Frontend Development

Patient Heart Disease Analysis

In this data analytics project, I explored a dataset containing information about patients and their heart health. After loading and inspecting the data, I conducted thorough data cleaning by handling missing values and dropping irrelevant columns. The Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) involved visualizations and insights into various factors affecting heart health, such as age, gender, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

Key steps in the project include:

Data Cleaning
Data Exploration
Descriptive Statistics

Cognito-AI Website

Builded this Entire Landing Page for cognito-ai.

Spearheaded creation of Cognito-AI’s service website using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, Resend, and Three.js.

• Contributed to the full-stack development process, showcasing versatility by actively engaging in bothfrontend and backend tasks.

Key steps in the project include:

Framer Motion / Three.js
Tailwind CSS

YouTube Video Streaming Site

Creating this Project looks like a real youtube video app, where you can search any videos, watch all the videos, select any category videos which you want. In this Project, I am using React, MUI - Material UI, Tailwind CSS for styling & Fetching All the Data from Rapid API.

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

đź”—GitHub Repo

Material UI ( MUI )
Tailwind CSS
Rapid API
youtube clone

Ecommerce Website with

Stripe Payment System

I Create this Ecommerce Site with React, Redux, Next.js for routing, Authentication Flow with NextAuth.js, using Stripe Payment System and Webhooks with Firebase, styling with Tailwind CSS, using Fake Store REST API to fetch all the Products information .

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

React / Redux / NEXT.js
Authentication Flow with NextAuth!
Tailwind CSS
Stripe Payment System / Webhooks / Firebase
amazon clone

Summarize AI Article

Generator App

I developed an Article Summarizer App utilizing OpenAI's GPT-4 model. This tool can extract news articles and blog posts from a URL and summarize the content using GPT. The project was built using Vite and ReactJS, and features a responsive UI/UX with glass morphism design using Tailwind CSS. Additionally, I implemented advanced RTK query API requests that fire on condition and save the article history using local storage. The app also includes form event handling and error catching, as well as copy to clipboard functionality for pasted URLs in the search bar. These features make the user experience more seamless and intuitive.

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

đź”—GitHub Repo

React.js and Vite
Redux Toolkit
Rapid API
Tailwind CSS
Saas app


Generation App

I Built this MERN AI Image generation app using MERN Stack Technology & OpenAI API. Nowadays, MidJourney and DALL-E are taking over the whole social media. Dive into the world of artificial intelligence and build own version of these tools that can generate everything from memes, images and art to beautiful UI/UX designs!

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button.

MERN ( React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB )
Cloudinary ( For Storing Image)
Tailwind CSS
MERN AI Image Geanerator

Crime Graph PDF

The "React PDF Crime Graph Report" is a web app that utilizes React, PDF generation, and data visualization to provide a visually engaging representation of US crime statistics, with a focus on burglary-related crimes. It fetches real-time crime data via an API and generates informative line chart PDF reports. Explore the project via the "View Live" button or visit the associated GitHub repository for more details.

đź”—GitHub Repo

chart.js / react-chartjs-2
Tailwind CSS / CSS3
crime graph pdf

QRCode Generator App

I developed a QR Code generator app using JavaScript, QRcode.js, and Tailwind CSS. Users can paste any website URL, and the app will generate a QR code that can be conveniently scanned with a phone.

You can check the Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

đź”—GitHub Repo

Tailwind CSS
QrCode App

Real-Estate Admin Dashboard

I Built this CRUD Real-Estate Admin Dashboard using MERN Stack & Refine technology. It is a fully functional full-stack dashboard application with complete CRUD functionalities, authentication, pagination, sorting, filtering, and much more! Where anyone can sign in with their google account & create their own real-estate property with some few info. Also people can see all other listed agents and their created properties. Even though People can edit & delete their existing properties at anytime.

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

đź”—GitHub Repo

MERN Stack ( React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Cloudinary)

MERN Movie Site

I Built this Netflix Movie Site using MERN Stack technology where you can find all the Latest & New Movies Information. On the Front-End, I use Firebase for Authentication, React, React hooks, Redux for state management, Styled Components for styling & also using the TMDB API for fetching Movie data. On the Back-End, I am using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB for the Database.

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

đź”—GitHub Repo

Node.js / Express.js / MongoDB
React / Redux / Styled Components
Authentication with Firebase

DKeeper Notes 3.0

I Built This CRUD DApp - DKeeper Notes with Motoko Programming Language, Which is Hosted on the Live ICP Network . In this project Back-End, I focus Specially on the CRUD part on Motoko. Where you can write, read, and delete your notes all time. In the Front-End I use React, MUI, and TypeScript.

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

đź”—GitHub Repo

Motoko (CRUD)
Mui (Material UI)

DSurv Token Generator 3.0

In this Project I created my own Crypto Token DISO DANG .. Which is Hosted on the Live ICP Network with Internet Identity Authentication. In this app, the authenticated person can get Free 10,000 DISO DANG Tokens, and the person can check the tokens account balance, use the tokens anywhere especially Minting NFT & also transfer the Tokens to a Specific Account.

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

Authentication with Internet Identity

OpenD NFT Marketplace

I Built this OpenD Marketplace with Motoko (Smart Contract). Where anyone can Mint their NFT, Buy New NFTs and Sell their Own Minted NFTs with my Dsurv token app also people can see their all Listed Owned NFTs.

Note: This Project I worked on Localhost Because on the Live IC Network every time I Minted NFTs is Costing too much. So, you can check the github repo for this opend project.

Motoko (Smart Contract)
Bootstrap / React-Bootstrap
React-Router-Dom / React-Hook-Form

MUI Social Site

Built this Social media UI design using React & Material UI (mui). Included Dark Mode also Responsive design .

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

đź”—GitHub Repo

Material UI (mui) / Dark mode
Responsive Design
ui design

Trafalgar Figma UI

Create this Virtual Healthcare UI design from Figma by using basic Html5, CSS3, Bootstrap & Media Query for Mobile and Desktop version.

You can check this Amazing Full Project by clicking on the View Live Button. Also you can check the github repo for more details.

đź”—GitHub Repo

Media Query for Mobile / Desktop
Figma Project


Front-end development

I am specialized in the development of React web applications. For public websites I use Html, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Javascript, React, Redux, Material UI, Firebase, Next.js based on the type of project.

mern stack

Back-end development

In BackEnd I specialized in the development of MERN Stack web applications. For public websites I use React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and For Decentralized Application (Web 3.0) I use Motoko Programming Language for BackEnd.

laptop computer on glass-top table

Data Analysis

Data enthusiast skilled in Python, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn, Scikit-learn, LLM. Proficient in Excel for data analysis. Currently mastering SQL and Tableau. Dedicated to transforming data into actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Where I Learn all this Technologies ?

I Developed My Coding Skills on Udemy taking by Angela Yu's Course ``The Complete 2022 Web Development Bootcamp``. This course includes over 65+ hours of Challenging tutorials, which Builds my strong Programming knowledge while making those Real-World Websites and Web Projects also facing those Debuging challenges. Here I learn my all technical skills about MERN Stack Development and Web 3.0 .

" Congratulations again and remember to give me shout when you create your own websites so I can congratulate you and spread the word. You can count on me to be your biggest fan! To all your future success, Angela "
Dr. Angela Yu
Developer and Lead Instructor at London App Brewery
Want me Building Websites & Data Analysis for you ? Hit me on LinkedIn